You should perhaps do research on what Zendesk is. What you receive is not a bot response.
What Support uses is Zendesk, which shows each ticket/issue kind of like an email. They go to open each one and then have a choice between manually typing something or try can use a macro.
So when a support agent reviews your information they have a choice between writing a manual response or they can choose a macro for frequently used responses and actions. Essentially macro is a simple copy & paste function.
So drop down might be:
‘Banned’ where they send response you’ve been given, which says account will remain flagged and you won’t be reinstated.
Flagged that says you’re flagged and will be reevaluated next month. This is response given when/if they need to monitor and evaluate further
Unflag would send response saying account has been reinstated and you will begin receiving payment in the next payout cycle, but won’t have any earnings from when had been flagged.
Each prompt they choose would have a different set of actions taken. Not only does it respond to you, but it takes that action within the system. Yet each action has a human reviewing and making a decision. They just save themselves a lot of time typing and clicking by having preset replies given.
Nah, Brave always has flagged people for abuse of the system and all. You actually have admitted before that you were violation the Terms of Service for Rewards. They left you alone a long time, but it doesn’t mean you did right. If you need help on understanding at least one of the things you did wrong, I’ll quote you below:
You may not make any attempt to view ads not intended for your region.
But you were living in Germany and registered for Lithuania. This would mean you were Lithuania and attempting to view ads from Germany or you were in Germany and trying to view ads from Lithuania as a way to bypass the restrictions prohibiting payouts to Germany.
Regardless, you can only view ads for where you live and your custodial account must reflect this. If you have different countries, it’s an abuse and an attempt to circumvent regional ad restrictions.
That said, I’m not sure what else they might have seen. Especially if you were trying to do everything you can just to earn BAT. As the reply shows for those who are told that they won’t be reinstated, they look at behavior that far surpasses that of someone who uses the browser for browsing the web.
While Rewards exists for us to earn, it’s not meant to mine or farm BAT. So people who use automation or timers in order to try to constantly perform tasks in order to try to view ads will get flagged. People who constantly are viewing ads from other countries by using VPN to appear in other countries will get themselves flagged. Leaving many devices enabled but unused in hopes for constant ad notifications will likely result in eventually being flagged.
Those being flagged generally are trying to use Brave as a crypto miner for BAT or in other ways tend to exceed the use of what Rewards and the browser were intended.
Sorry , I did not vote to join EU, to listen made up Policies. I am not trying to get German passport anyway. There is no abuse from my side. We have free right to reside anywhere we want within EU borders. There is no SUCH REGION AS GERMANY or Lithuania. As well I have moved back to Lithuania last year. If I come from time to time to visit my son in Germany, that does not mean I am abusing anything. EU is same economic area. So yeah, I call it bull****.
I don’t know. Brave’s policy is to never explain to anyone what they did to get flagged. This same decision is done by many other banks and websites as part of antifraud. The only thing they are saying is activity was unusual.
As I’ve spoken to Support lately, they said they are more confident than ever in their decisions lately. There’s not really anything that can be done. Your only hope might be to tag someone like Evan123 here and provide your ticket number, asking if he’d be willing to give it a second look. But there’s no guarantee he’ll look and all he’d do is confirm the efficacy of the decision. 98% chance he’d tell you the decision made is correct and final. But if you’re in the rare small percentage where an error was made, they could reverse it.
And to clarify, once they confirm it once, they won’t respond again. So consistently creating topics or tickets won’t change anything. But it doesn’t hurt just to kindly ask them to review the ticket once, just in case.
@DiewasSs what you’re doing is part of the reason why people don’t explain things. You’re just simply trying to argue rather than understand what went wrong or admit you violated Terms. You even try to change topics, bringing up economic policies.
What you need to realize is we are speaking of Rewards. For this it says you select which country you live in and provide documentation to prove you live there. Then from that point on, you are only supposed to see ads from that country and you aren’t supposed to try to bypass those restrictions or try to see ads from other countries.
Advertisers pay to have their ads displayed to particular countries. For example, they wouldn’t want an ad written in German that advertises a business in Germany to appear to someone who only knows French and lives in France. Your setup of living in one country but claiming to be from another means that you were gaming the system to view ads from countries they were not intended to be shown.
What’s also important to note is that Germany has different rules, which is why Uphold does not allow for accounts to be created in Germany but they do allow creation of accounts in the rest of the European Union. You can see Germany on the list of non-supported countries at
Which brings me back to the other issue. European Union is not a central government that rules over everyone. Every country is still fully independent. The EU has no control over any country’s laws and regulations. The EU is simply a gathering of countries who have made agreements with one another. This is why you don’t have a passport that just says “European Union” but instead have passports for just the country you’re from.
The above said, I want you to also realize I’m just answering based on one possibility for why you’ve been flagged. I’m unable to see your activity or know what antifraud has seen. They likely have seen other things done which resulted in you being flagged and the decision to say yours is going to remain permanently flagged.
Regardless, I am able to speak from common sense and your own admissions to know that this is at least one way you violated Terms and is something they would have the right to suspend/flag your account for doing.
I am not lying. Regions were before EU. We are states or state members of EU. We exist as states not regions. We are not anymore separated by regions. The concept is different
@issa just wanted to show that you were answered on another topic. Do keep in mind patience is often needed. Constantly pushing can irritate/annoy. Keep in mind just Evan123 and Mattches for the most part are handling the issues for everyone.
As I said earlier, policy is not to tell anyone why. And you can see where DiewasSs continually tried arguing when anyone said anything. This is part of why it no longer gets revealed. But the other reason is people used the information to try to learn what Brave was monitoring and to evade detection, making improvements to how they abused the system.
So yes, because of all of this, you’ll never be told specifically what you did to get flagged. Only thing they will say is unusual activity.
Anyway, this topic is going to remain closed but I wanted to give this last reply so it’s known your questions were answered and you weren’t left waiting with no response.