I didnt receive any Octuber payment : gemini wallet

** Briefly describe your problem: **
I did not receive the October payment in my Gemini wallet.

** What operating system and version of Brave are you using ( Menu -> About Brave )? **
Windows 10 and Windows 11 on some devices.

** Is your browser’s wallet currently verified? (but)**

** On what date did you check your wallet? **

** Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past? **
Yes. The previous payment arrived without problems.

** Are you using a VPN? (but)**

** Are you in a supported region ([see here] (https://brave.com/transparency) for a list of supported regions)? **

** Does your device pass [SafteyNet] verification (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.freeandroidtools.safetynettest&hl=en_US&gl=US) (Android only)? **

** Have you manually disabled Automatic Contribution on all your Uphold-linked devices? **

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A lot of people had a similar problem. Thousands of wallets have been flagged but for some reason -marketing I suppose- they are not giving a statement. I lost a lot of my BATs because of it.


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