I am Not receiving ads even yet single ad i receive yet I need help

I a Not receiving ads I need help.
I am using Brave Dev blue beta since 15th march but yet i did not receive single ad kindly help me solve my issue.
i have few sites verified still i am not succeed to receive Brave ads.
Kindly check and help me.
Thank you.

@Alidervash Brave Ads, for now, only available for US, Canada, UK, French and Germany. With more support for other countries is coming.


Same problem here. I’m from Nepal and I use brave 6*8 hrs a week on my PC since about 8 months. However, I have not got any ads till date. Plz help me.

@kt89 Nepal is not in current supported countries. The team will add support for more regions in the future.

Thanks for your patience.