I am a Taiwanese. How can I verify my brave wallet?

Umm, I just need to clarify. Gemini would allow Taiwan last I saw, according to https://www.gemini.com/areas-of-availability

What you may be noticing though is lately there has been a temporary pause for many regions while Brave is handling some issues. All but 19 countries are unable to connect or reconnect to Gemini. Those same 19 countries were limited for Uphold connections too. But then this week all countries were restricted and unable to connect to Uphold for a week or so.

NOTICE: New region restrictions on verifying Brave Rewards with Gemini

NOTICE: New region restrictions on verifying Brave Rewards with Uphold

What this means for you in Taiwan is you can create a Gemini account. However until Brave finishes resolving issues, you’ll not be permitted to connect Brave to that account. You’ll need to keep an eye out on announcements here on Brave Community for when regions open again. They don’t know how long it will take to be available everywhere again. Until then, you can still participate in Brave Rewards and you will earn BAT. You just won’t be able to do anything with it except save it for the future or tip Content Creators. Some day, whether be be weeks or months from now, you should be able to link Brave to Gemini again and move all your saved BAT there.

You can’t. Brave Wallet is something separate from Brave Rewards. It never has to be Verified. You can’t receive BAT from Rewards there either.