Help please my development setup

npm run init

[email protected] init
node ./scripts/init.js

Performing initial checkout of brave-core


git rev-parse HEAD
Resetting brave core to “c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc”…


git reset --hard HEAD


git checkout c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc
…brave core is now at commit ID c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc


npm install


npm run sync – --init

[email protected] sync
node ./build/commands/scripts/sync.js “–init”

Brave Browser Sync starting

Fixup Depot Tools…


git -C /home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools clean -fxd


git -C /home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools reset --hard HEAD
HEAD şimdi şurada: ecc14aa4 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
Done Depot Tools…
Stashing any local changes


git stash
Running gclient sync…


git rev-parse HEAD
Resetting brave core to “c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc”…


git reset --hard HEAD


git checkout c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc
…brave core is now at commit ID c2a832fa225523d7da7df1a4fe79fbd0e41badcc


gclient sync --reset --nohooks --revision src/brave@master --revision src@refs/tags/97.0.4692.36 --force --with_tags --with_branch_heads --upstream
Platform linux-amd64 is not supported by the CIPD client bootstrap: there’s no pinned SHA256 hash for it in the *.digests file.
Platform linux-amd64 is not supported by the CIPD client bootstrap: there’s no pinned SHA256 hash for it in the *.digests file.
/home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools/bootstrap_python3: satır 32: [email protected]_bin/python3/bin/python3: No such file or directory
Platform linux-amd64 is not supported by the CIPD client bootstrap: there’s no pinned SHA256 hash for it in the *.digests file.
/home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools/bootstrap_python3: satır 32: [email protected]_bin/python3/bin/python3: No such file or directory
cat: /home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools/python3_bin_reldir.txt: No such file or directory
/home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools/vpython3: satır 52: /home/ozgur/Masaüstü/Open-Source/brave-browser/src/brave/vendor/depot_tools/.cipd_bin/vpython3: No such file or directory

OS: Ubuntu 20.04

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