Hi! I have two websites with similar name. When I go to the second one, Brave keeps suggesting I go to the first one “Did you mean XXXXX… attackers sometimes mimic” then I’m faced with 3 choices:
a) Click X and close (and it comes back every time, very annoying)
b) Click “Yes, continue” and it brings to site #1, where I’m not trying to go
c) Click “Learn More” and just goes to Brave info page about this “great” feature to protect (excuse my sarcasm please it’s non stop and I normally don’t let annoying things bother me, but it’s been going for days lol )
Hello! Thanks for your reply. Not sure if I’d want to say the name of site publicly (but I can PM you if you wish and if I can), but for the rest of the info:
OS: Windows 11
Brave version: 1.66.118
Screenshot: See here https://snipboard.io/fsyXMg.jpg (sorry I don’t know how to attach a screenshot to this forum reply).