Getting “Region not supported” in supported region Gemini (Netherlands)

Briefly describe your issue:

I get “Region currently not supported” error when I try to login/verify to Gemini from Brave.

Located in Netherlands which is in list of supported regions. I’m trying to login to the same Gemini account which I’ve been connecting to and using with Brave for more then 1,5 years.

I started getting this problem beginning of September on both my desktop and mobile devices.

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?

Version 1.44.108 Chromium: 106.0.5249.103 (Officiële build) (64-bits)

Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)

What date did you verify your wallet?

Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?

Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)

Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?

How can it be that I suddenly get this error? Anyone who can give a solution to this? Thanks in advance!

Hey. Gemini actually is now just allowing the people in the US to connect to Brave rewards. The post below →


  • If you’re already connected to Gemini (even if you do not have a US Gemini account), these changes will not affect you. As of this second, if you are logged out of your Gemini account, it may say that you can’t log back in because your region is not supported. But this error will be resolved in the coming week, and then you will be able to log back in. More importantly, even if it says “Logged out”, you’re still considered connected to Gemini (or Uphold) to us, and should still be receiving ad payouts to your Gemini account!

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