Fingerprint Randomization Stopped Working

Hi. I read a blog post from Brave that talked about a new way to fight fingerprinting called fingerprinting randomization and tried the nightly build. I was very impressed that after I closed the browser and restarted, I was getting a different ID from FingerprintJS.

However, after updating the nightly build a couple of times, I noticed that I am getting the same ID from FingerintJS. Did the updates break the fingerprinting randomization?

Is your nightly build giving different IDs each time you close the browser?

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I’ve had the exact same experience as you. The nightly successfully randomized when I first tested, then after a couple of updates it stopped working.
When testing the nightly in panopticlick, I found that for Hash of canvas fingerprint and AudioContext fingerprint the results are “randomized by first party domain”, while for Hash of WebGL fingerprint I get a hash number/code instead of “randomized by first party domain”. So I think this is what’s preventing from showing a different ID after reset. All 3 characteristics need to be “randomized by first party domain” for it to work appropriately.

I was able to reproduce this on Arch Linux, Linux mint, and windows 10.

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I am having the same issue on both Windows 10 and an Ubuntu VM. I installed Nightly fresh on that VM, it wasn’t installed before, and gave the demo site a try. I got the same ID even when I closed inPrivate and cleared all data using the settings option.
Brave Version:
Version 1.8.53 Chromium: 81.0.4044.83 (Official Build) nightly (64-bit)

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It’s being looked into.

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Nightly now fails at most sites. I’m using Brave stable release until this is fixed.