Exputer.com virus alert

why Am I getting this virus alert repeatedly upon opening brave v1.47.186

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. virus blocked didn’t click anything to open page just scrolled down landing page
  2. I can reproduce by opening Brave
  3. ?

Expected result:
stop feeding me virus websites
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Additional Information:

@louiecypher The version of Brave you are using is outdated. The latest version is 1.49.120. Please update and see if the alert still occurs.

Older versions of Brave are not supported and do not have any security or privacy updates hence are more vulnerable to attacks. That is why you need to make sure you are using the latest version. Not saying it wouldn’t have happened anyway, but less chance if you are updated to latest version.

Brave doesn’t “feed” you “virus websites”. How did you get to that site? Was it displayed in a search result? Which search engine do you use? Please provide more details.

You can try clearing cookies/cache just for that site or clearing browsing data for all time. Also, you should run a malware/anti-virus software to make sure your system is not infected with any malware/viruses.

Links from web search:

Hope this helps. Please post an update. Take care. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t go to any website I was just scrolling down on your homepage feed when it popped up. And I don’t want to be forced to install a new operating system just to update my browser.

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