Error: region not supported
Unfortunately, your Brave Rewards cannot be verified because your region is not supported for Brave Rewards verification at this time
! Please Fix It Soon, Has exceeded 2 months is showing disconnected.
Same error for me.
Did anyone got any solution for this error.
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Hi same problem for me. I have the verified Gemini Account
Check the following threads
For new information, check bottom comment. Otherwise can review some of the below to see overall status since July 26, 2022.
Brave’s List of Supported Countries
OLD UPDATES BELOW: Can’t add more since April 4, 2023.
Update: April 4, 2023
Only because it’s been a little while since I gave an update, thought I’d just do a small post. At this point they still have nothing solid to say about adding countries again, the new partner(s) they are hoping to add, or even of an ETA for the sunsetting of v…
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September 11, 2022, 4:05pm
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