Duplicate tab with a Shortcut Key

The inability to duplicate a tab with a shortcut key is greatly time consuming for all customers using Brave. Having a function that duplicates a tab with a shortcut key would be saving a lot of time, and it would be especially welcome to developers.

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really, a shortcut to duplicate tabs is sorely missed, please do. I use a chrome extension that duplicates tabs, this is: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/duplicate-tab-shortcut/klehggjefofgiajjfpoebdidnpjmljhb

Any update on a duplicate Tab shortcut?
Excellent development.

I found a way to do this from a Chrome user.
Press Alt+D, then Alt+Enter (Works on my Ubuntu, not sure of Mac)


I found to duplicate tab for BRAVE – Alt+D+Enter

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I would also appreciate a faster duplicate on tabs. Hotkey would be fine , i like the hold CTRL key and slide the tab sidewards for duplication (Firefox) even better!

alt+D and alt+Enter works fine.

Its just harder to execute.

@Brave_support Please look into it.

I’m not able to get this to work on mac. Would love to see this implemented, have wanted it for years.

In the meantime, since this is obviously less work than using the mouse (:sweat_smile:):
cmd + L (select URL)
cmd + C (copy)
cmd + T (open new tab)
cmd + V (paste)

cmd+L, cmd+return for mac

Works great. When using Shift+Enter you can open in a new window.

We SO need this.
Alt-D, Alt-Enter works, but it’s clunky.
Why has something as simple as this (it’s already implemented with a clunky short-cut) already taken 4 and half years to implement?

Whats the matter people. As of right now you can go to settings > system > shortcuts (first entry) and search for duplicate tab and set the binding yourself. Besides that i found the Alt + D + Enter a good way to do it.

Any context menu function should have a shortcut by itself. That is called “user friendly experience”.