Description of the issue:
This site has really good streaming quality for lots of sports but lately is coming up with “Ad Blocker Detected”, and It’s almost unusable with Shields down.
Exact URL of the website in question:
Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:
Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) yes
Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? Yes… but the ads are so extreme it is difficult to even get to a video.
Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no) yes
What OS are you using when you see the ad? Android 12
Brave version (check About Brave
): 1.59.120
edit- I tried setting ad blocking to aggressive, turning on Fanboys & Ublock annoyances, and updating everything in brave://components.
Thank you for your support!