Dificuldade de entender

boa noite, eu estou tentando entende a questao de como funciona a recompensa, mas é tao complicado que parace ser informação falsa a existencia de tal recompensa, portanto, seria interessante que pelo menos tivesse a opção de traduzir as informaçoes contida na pagina para minha lingua,
outro ponto, eu desde que tomei conhecimento passei a usar o navegador BRAVE e recomendar, mas estou chateado com tamanha dificuldade encontrada, para entender o processo de recompensa.
NOTE: Any “one-liner” or topics requesting support or reporting bugs that do not make an effort to include as much of this information as possible will not be responded to. Repeatedly posting as such is grounds for banning._
Please try to adhere to this template when reporting bugs. If you think you don’t need to fill out every section in the template fill out as much of it as you can and please be as descriptive as possible when posting.
<---------Delete this line and everything above before posting---------->

Description of the issue:

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:

Reproduces how often:

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):

Additional Information:

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