Didn't get paid....But my uphold account is verified

My Uphold account is verified and there was 28.50 BAT in my publisher wallet. But I didn’tget paid on 8th May…But why? Please help me.

Same here: Last time I receive my contribution on 8th April but this time I did not receive my contribution on 8th May and now it says 8th June.

I receive the contribution during the 8 - 30 April it suppose to be deposit to my uphold account on May 8th.


@MDMAHI yesterday payout is for contribution that you received from 1-31 of previous month. Contribution that you received after that period will be paid next month.

@polan did you already connecting a verified Uphold account?

I receive the contribution during the 8 - 30 April it suppose to be deposit to my uphold account on May 8th.

My uphold account is fully verified and connected since the beginning , this is why I wonder that why I did not get paid on May 8th. as receive my first payment on uphold on April 8th.


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