Add features of the language translation of Google, Microsoft, u-dictionary and lingvanex. Because we desperately need translation features to read articles and content websites that are foreign-language. Can I help you? Get a solution to our current problem.
Tambahkan fitur terjemahan bahasa dari Google, Microsoft, U-Dictionary dan Lingvanex. Karena kami sangat membutuhkan fitur terjemahan bahasa untuk membaca artikel dan konten website yang berbahasa asing. Bisakah dibantu? Mendapatkan sebuah solusi dari masalah kami saat ini.
Add a language translation feature from Google, Microsoft, U-Dictionary and LingVanex. Because we desperately need the language of the translation language to read the articles and content of foreign-speaking websites. Can you be helped? Get a solution of our current issues.
There are issue reports on Brave GitHub per this. Below are some comments on why this issue is ongoing and within these posts some options are suggested.
@crogonint issue was closed because we don’t have a way to offer the functionality at the moment. We did explore using Microsoft language APIs and @yrliou got it working- but there is still a significant cost associated with those. Recommending the extension which does translate doesn’t have any operating cost for us
On the API side, each call to Google/Microsoft/whoever is translating has a per-transaction cost. We can potentially open this issue again and mark it as blocked. We’d need help ID’ing a vendor which could help provide this and also not violate the user’s privacy (since pages and content will be sent to vendor)
Previously tracked with #208 - we closed that issue after running into licensing obstacles and choosing to integrate with the Google Translation extension as a work-around
You can install extensions that will do this, I think.