When using Developer tools, and using ‘Toggle Device toolbar’, any changes made to the devices list are not saved.
This feature was working until about middle of January.
Now, when browser is closed, the ‘device list’ reverts back to default selection.
There seems to be no way to save my device selection (or any ‘custom devices’) I have created.
Version 1.34.80 Chromium: 97.0.4692.71 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Same issue here.
Seems like, every time you open a new Tab or restart the Browser, the file %homepath%\AppData\Local\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default\Preferences will be overwritten with a default version.
I am a web developer and I need a non-mobile device in the list of emulated devices, but now I have to add a new custom device every time I close the dev tools, because my created devices are lost every time.
Incredibly annoying, was hoping the latest update would fix it. It’s not even just on browser close for me, as soon as I close the Inspect mode it clears any stored devices.
Luckily I only have to emulate one device size, but that’s already driving me mad for development.
Bump. I’m having the same issues. On window close, preferred device tools resort back to the defaults. Pretty rough after selecting the devices I’d like emulated and adding 4 custom devices.