Customable Startpage / New Tab

The home page / new tab page is getting better and better, but still it is not really usable.

The following options are missing:

  1. You would have to define multiple links that stay pinned. At the moment only 4 links are possible, which also can’t be defined manually.

  2. An integration of todo lists, if possible even with integration of other tools like Microsoft To-do or todoist. That would be very handy!

  3. News that can be subscribed to would also be great. Is currently also possible, but very, very awkwardly solved and the layout is not good. You have no options to choose how the layout should look like:

  • Should an image be displayed? Yes/No
  • How many columns? 3/4/5/6
  • A Button to add the Ressource in the Newsreader
  • Fullwidth?

As very good example you could use Momentum (
I currently use this as well, however this is only possible via extension and these do not work in the Android version :person_facepalming::person_shrugging: It would therefore be nice if this could be integrated directly into Brave, so that you would have access to these features in all Brave versions.