## Description
I'm opening this issue to capture several display issues that… users have been reporting in Brave in the last few releases. These issues are all similar in that they're all related to bugs in the way the browser displays sites/content but they are not all _the same_ graphical issue. However, there are too many to open each issue individually and I think it is reasonable to assume that they are all connected in some way and ultimately point to a broader issue with the way Brave displays content.
Note that _some_ of these issues were resolved by disabling `Hardware acceleration`, but I'm including them anyway because many of them had HWA enabled previously without any issue — only after recent updates to the browser did the issue occur. I believe this still points to a change made to the browser causing the uptick in display issues. I have also asked uses to provide `brave://gpu` information where applicable and will update this issue when users reply with it.
I've tried to include issues that are only 2-4 releases old. Most users who have reported this issue in previous versions are still seeing the issue in the latest build. Issues seem to be present across platform.
Related issue already opened: https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/issues/34806
**User descriptions of display issues observed:**
**Thread**: https://old.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/19c7kwr/brave_issues/?rdt=38054
> I'm writing this post because Brave keeps giving me problems when adjusting the ANGLE graphics backend to OpenGL. I have tried all the options, even the default, but they all give me strange visual errors.
> I adjusted this option to fix the visual bugs that were affecting Chromium browsers until recently. I've posted this strange bug on the support forum, and on this sub-reddit several times, but without getting an efficient fix.
> Are the devs aware of this strange bug? Because I have seen several posts from other users with these strange visual errors.
> I don't know what to do to fix it, I've tried everything, changing the angle to another, clean installation of Brave, going to brave://gpu to see if I see any strange reports, but nothing works. Attached is a screenshot of the visual bug and the report that I have right now in brave://gpu, to see if someone has been able to solve it.
> <details>
> <summary "><strong>brave://gpu</strong></summary>
> Image of bug:
> Graphics Feature Status
> * Canvas: Hardware accelerated
> * Canvas out-of-process rasterization: Disabled
> * Direct Rendering Display Compositor: Disabled
> * Compositing: Hardware accelerated
> * Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled
> * OpenGL: Enabled
> * Rasterization: Unavailable
> * Raw Draw: Disabled
> * Skia Graphite: Disabled
> * Video Decode: Hardware accelerated
> * Video Encode: Hardware accelerated
> * Vulkan: Disabled
> * WebGL: Hardware accelerated
> * WebGL2: Hardware accelerated
> * WebGPU: Hardware accelerated
> Driver Bug Workarounds
> * avoid_consecutive_keyframes_for_vp9
> * decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
> * disable_accelerated_av1_encode
> * disable_direct_composition_sw_video_overlays
> * disable_vp_auto_hdr
> * enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions
> * exit_on_context_lost
> * unpack_overlapping_rows_separately_unpack_buffer
> * disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
> * disabled_extension_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent
> * disabled_extension_GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y
> Problems Detected
> * GPU rasterization should only be enabled on NVIDIA, Intel, AMD RX-R2 GPUs with DX11+, certain QC devices+drivers or any GPU using ANGLE's GL backend.:
> (http://crbug.com/1047002), (http://crbug.com/1462800)
> Disabled Features: gpu_rasterization
> * Some drivers are unable to reset the D3D device in the GPU process sandbox
> Applied Workarounds: exit_on_context_lost
> * Unpacking overlapping rows from unpack buffers is unstable on NVIDIA GL driver:
> (http://crbug.com/596774)
> Applied Workarounds: unpack_overlapping_rows_separately_unpack_buffer
> * Disable KHR_blend_equation_advanced until cc shaders are updated:
> (http://crbug.com/661715)
> Applied Workarounds: disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced),
> disable(GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent)
> * Decode and Encode before generateMipmap for srgb format textures on Windows:
> (http://crbug.com/634519)
> Applied Workarounds: decode_encode_srgb_for_generatemipmap
> * Expose WebGL's disjoint_timer_query extensions on platforms with site isolation:
> (http://crbug.com/808744), (http://crbug.com/870491)
> Applied Workarounds: enable_webgl_timer_query_extensions
> * Disable GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y for desktop GL:
> (http://crbug.com/964010)
> Applied Workarounds: disable(GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y)
> * Disable software overlays for Intel GPUs. All Skylake+ devices support hw overlays, older devices peform poorly.:
> (http://crbug.com/1192748)
> Applied Workarounds: disable_direct_composition_sw_video_overlays
> * Disable hardware MFT Av1 encoder on machines with multiple GPUs except Intel alchemist GPUs:
> (http://crbug.com/1367038)
> Applied Workarounds: disable_accelerated_av1_encode
> * Only enable video processor auto HDR on NVIDIA GPUs with 550.50+ driver:
> (http://crbug.com/1445741)
> Applied Workarounds: disable_vp_auto_hdr
> * Corruption when consecutive VP9 keyframes are requested from MFVEA on Intel.:
> (http://crbug.com/1473665)
> Applied Workarounds: avoid_consecutive_keyframes_for_vp9</details>

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**Thread:** https://old.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/17wbiwd/flickering_with_artifacts/
> The last week to 10 days i've had issues using brave as web browser.
> I can be randomly scrolling thru any site and boom, i get surprise flickers lasting the blink of an eye with artifacts in parts of the screen, not all of the screen. I've also had the tool bar and tabs disappear and reappear seconds later using youtube.
> For details i have an Nvidia Asus TUF Gaming GeForce GTX 1650 as video card, and an intel I5 micro and asus tuf gaming B460m as motherboard, the micro has integrated graphics. Don't know if that could affect the browser.
> I checked my drivers, all is new.
> I checked the HDMI cable, is working good.
> I'm at the end of my rope with this.
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**Thread:** https://old.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/16t2vpb/getting_black_square_artifacts_in_the_browser/
> Anyone else getting flickering black squares or checkboard artifacts when browsing more demanding websites (youtube, twitch)? They don't go away with Hardware Acceleration disabled. I don't see these artifacts outside of the browser. Graphics drivers are up to date. I only started to notice it since few months ago. It doesn't happen very often, but often enough to be annoying.
**Thread:** https://old.reddit.com/r/brave/comments/1977ck0/help_browser_is_broken/
> Brave seems broken, its not loading info/text correctly, (as shown on the images), i reInstall my graphics card driver and it starts working again, then when i switch off my machine it starts again.
> However, the problem is only with Brave, all other applications are working well, all other browsers are working well, everything else is working fine.
> I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, it didnt fix it. Problem started with the last windows update, i managed to roll back the update but that didnt change anything.
> Is there a way to fix this?

**Thread:** https://old.reddit.com/r/brave/comments/18k8dkr/brave_is_broken/
> I updated my graphics card driver which caused screen tearing to start, and only with the Brave browser did this happen games and other browsers worked fine, so I enabled smooth scrolling in the experimental settings for a minute to see if that would fix it. Only now even though I turned it back off it no longer tears but the screen is constantly either flickering or jittering and resetting Brave or changing settings back to default doesn't fix it, I'm worried because I don't want to lose all my passwords I have saved here.
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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/graphic-glitching/519444/4
> I kind of have two separate issues, but both are somewhat related I think.
> Before a couple days ago, I did not have hardware acceleration turned on (due to reasons explained later). However, just in the past 1-3 brave updates, some sites started to turn their background color (for example, with Indeed, like 80% of the screen would turn white). Scrolling up and down can fix it, or at least cause the images/text to reappear briefly. This did not happen with every site, but a few and if I scroll around the site(s) long enough, it usually occurs.
> I turned on hardware acceleration and that seems to fix that issue, but now some parts of the screen flicker (or random black spots occur in different parts of the Brave window) at random times. If I go quickly between tabs, it usually occurs sometime, but it also happens randomly too.
> This does not happen with other browsers as far as I can tell, but I can test that more thoroughly if needed.
> Expected result: No flickering with HA on, or if off, site should work normally
> Brave Version: Version 1.60.125
> Additional Information: Dell XPS 8940 with NVIDIA RTX 3070
> Thanks
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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/graphic-error-in-the-browser-especially-when-using-youtube/523227
> I have recently experienced problems in the brave browser, as a search engine I use Google, when I am in certain tabs such as YouTube or Google Drive I find black screens sometimes with white pixels or the image is shown in pieces, this follows geometric patterns, Sometimes they flash, other times they are fixed.
> It is not related to any monitor technology, but when you use technologies like shadow boost it is more likely to occur. When the screens are black this usually happens, especially on YouTube. It can be done by moving the browser screen quickly. Sometimes it comes out on its own. without doing anything, or simply when you go to close the tab it appears permanently
> 1.when you go to close the tab it usually happens
> 2.quickly moving the tab with the mouse wheel
> 3.putting a youtube video, without doing anything
> I would like to know how to solve it so that it stops happening since it is quite annoying
> Brave Version: v1.61.109 (Dec 21, 2023) with Windows 11
> Additional Information:
> I use brave browser with the google browser in windows 11 and with an nvdia suprim x 4080 graphics card from msi, this error occurs with displayport and with hdmi, it also does not matter which monitor you use, it happens with a 2k and FULL HD monitor

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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/issue-with-flashing-graphical-glitch-and-dark-contrast/506616
> This problem I’m having is twofold:
> Random patches of the screen will black-out during use. Mousing over these areas causes them to partially re-appear. After a few seconds the screen returns to normal but the problem may re-occur, usually when interacting with objects on the page or with extensions or menus.
> When Hardware Acceleration is enabled the gamma/contrast is WAY too dark. This makes videos unwatchable. Adjusting desktop colour settings in Nvidia control panel “fixes” the problem for Brave but makes everything else (desktop, start menu, other programs etc) blown out.
> Solutions I’ve tried that haven’t worked:
> Restarting PC.
> Reinstalling Brave.
> Updating Brave.
> Disabling Hardware Acceleration.
> Switching to OpenGL.
> Killing the Nvidia control panel process.
> Updating Nvidia driver.
> Would really like to fix this as it pushed me to switch to Mozilla Firefox for a while but that browser is hot garbage. Brave is otherwise great but this issue is making it unusable.

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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/weird-pixel-bugs-on-screen/518887
> Lately, my browser has been starting to show weird pixel patterns and color saturation on all tabs, it’s worth mentioning that no other program nor the PC itself presents this issues except for Brave. I don’t really know how this error came to be since it appared suddenly and I don’t remember doing any changes to my graphic settings
> Brave Version 1.60.125

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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/brave-not-working-properly-after-update/517441
> After a windows 10 update, brave screen is shattered and incomplete
> I reinstalled the program but nothing seems to work, its still the same as I show you below (also yes, I disabled the gpu acceleration and nothing)

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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/the-browser-completely-broke/516351
> My browser suddenly doesn’t load any pages properly anymore. All the images, text, and most other visual elements suddenly dissappeared. I can still interact with the webpages themselves, but they show next to nothing on them. Even the brave menus and setting pages have this issue. The only visual element that seems to be working are video players.
> The header (tabs, url bar, mini menu in the top right, bookmarks, etc,) Are still visible and seem to be working fine. Only the pages themselve are completely broken

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**Thread:** https://community.brave.com/t/newest-update-causing-visual-glitches-v1-61-120/527766
visual glitches in brave after new update ( v1.61.120) noticed it first on youtube, but its happening on many other websites
youtube is running (not in full screen) and it shows the glitches. hovering mouse over the glitches makes them disappear.

## Brave version (brave://version info)
All similar issues occurring from v1.60x to current release (v1.61.120)
## Other Additional Information:
- Does the issue resolve itself when disabling Brave Shields? No
- Does the issue resolve itself when disabling Brave Rewards? No
- Is the issue reproducible on the latest version of Chrome? The majority of the issue above are not reproducible in Chrome