Hello there,
Something weird happened, the other day Brave crashed while I was on a private Tor window, so I reloaded it and everything works fine except my trading charts on all kind of different trading chart sites. The page works fine for the rest, it’s the charts they don’t appear. I tried to disactivate protection, reload everything, go back to default, uninstall and reinstall brave but nothing helps. My charts appear correctly on other browsers and on my other computor with brave. The problem concerns only Brave on my laptop. Does anyone have an idea ?
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@nicknolte Welcome to community. Thanks for reaching out! Regarding Trading view chart issue, issue is already logged please track the issue here.
Rrgarding crash in TOR tab, could you elaborate a bit on the issue ? please provide steps to reproduce the issue. I can check from my end.
Thanks for your repy,
Unfortunatly I followed steps described but problem still not solved. It all happened after I was on a TOR private session and Brave crashed. When I loaded again price don’t show anymore on any website…
@nicknolte Trading view chart pricing issue is still not fixed. The issue logged is still in Open state, once the issue is fixed status will change to Closed. After that, you can test the pricing issue from your end.
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