Please add an option in the Appearance to center the search results. When you have a big widescreen screen and the search page is centered and then the results are not is rather annoying.
Thank you for the feedback, Magnus! I was actually just discussing this with the Search team a few days ago. We have an issue filed now, and will be giving consideration to the work in the very near future. If you don’t mind sharing, how wide (pixels) is your display?
5120 x 1440 here and IF I have the browser full screen (which I probably shouldn’t), it’s pretty much unusable being all the way to the left. Please Brave devs, save my neck!
Would LOVE for the search results and bar to be centred because I’m a bit of a nutter and just love to have it full screen with a bazillion tabs open.
For now I’m using Power Toys Fancy Zones to centre Brave browser to a more reasonable screen size
I have a 27" 1440p monitor and when Brave is full screen the Brave search results are too far to the left to be viewed comfortably. Maybe I am just too used to Google, but I think this issue could be easily resolved with a toggle in the preferences for centering the content.
My solution to anyone who feels the same way is to resize to the right half of your screen, which is not ideal but works well enough
Getting a bit miffed that something this easy and usefull seems to have stopped dead in the water after what felt like a responsive nice answers. I wish I could use brave search but this one thing makes it a no go.
I have a 3840x2160 monitor and keep the browser window maximized. I agree that the results should be centered, as it currently stands the result are bunched up to the left and use like 1/5th of the screen space.
It would be nice to have this column width size itself appropriately for the browser width. This is not just an issue with Brave Search, many other search page results do this as well.
Can you guys please also consider offering an option to show time in a 12 hour format and not just 24. Would be nice, thanks. I am referring to the location results.
Still can’t find any option to center the search results, is this realy that hard ? seems like a 5min thing to me… I mean you managed to center the search input field just not the result…
look even duckduckgo has it… . this is so annyoing with a big screen that I choose not to use brave search because of this one reason.
I have used this script for a while now in TamperMonkey.
It isnt perfect and I am trying to learn how to add more script to move the search bar and other stuff on the page, but at least I can get the search results centred
my px settings were not so extreme before I was messing about
adding -400px on the last one puts the graphic in photo 2 up top with the search text but it puts it on the left, something to do with the columns and margins. Haven`t been able to get it up to the right or the search bar centre yet
Its embaressing that Brave cant make this simple feature happen that with todays widescreen monitiors is a must. I bet it got stuck between a forum manager and never got to a developer who whould just have implemented it in 2 sec
Here checking in again, seeing as we have had time to integrate Ai in search surley centering search results would be done by now so people with wide screen monitors would find brave search functional and useful…eeeh …Nope!