bug report, print to pdf, prnt btn greyed out

So I had to take 15 minutes off from work to submit this bug report in a social forum that Im convinced will be deleted as it is not filled with smileys so prolly waste of my time writing this. I normally uses librewolf but as that web browser is blocked from time to time from google meet backup browser is brave.

I have no interest in computers, browsers or internet, my real world is machines, robots and their control systems so this is the information I will submit while investing these 15 minutes.

Brave browser is not able printing to pdf or any other of my printers in windblows, I always uses brave in --incognito but same bug in normal mode. Dark reader enabled/disabled. Print button is greyed out, cant access any printer settings, no print preview, windblow wirus print to pdf is default printer. Brave ver 1.71.121. All updates always disabled by external firewall as need for safe computer is higher than updated with latest untested virus. Same docs was printed from librewolf as brave failed.

Iam stressed so add your own required smileys or just delete this post to avoid the topic of printer function not working.


Thanks for writing in. That’s an older version of Brave, can you update to the latest and see if the issue persists?

Thank you