Browser stops working after many tabs with Twitter posts open

Description of the issue:
It usually takes about 8 to 15 tabs with Twitter website to crash the Browser.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Twitter website.
  2. Using mouse wheel click, open about 15 tabs with Twitter different content (wait about 5 to 15 seconds between each new tab opening).
  3. At some point (some time) all the tabs with Twitter content will turn white and seemingly not responding.

Expected result:
Multiple Twitter tabs with white blank content, seemingly not responding. But loading.

Brave Version( check About Brave):
v1.52.129 (Jun 28, 2023)

Additional Information:
Linux Mint Mate
Intel Core i7

Running out of memory, I presume … I suggest using the Tiny Suspender extension available in Google Web Store.

Thank you for reaching out.
Cannot reproduce this on my end — was able to open 15+ tabs on Twitter without any issues.

An issue like this usually happens if there’s bad data in cache or, more commonly, some extension conflict causing the issue.

Can you please test this using a Private browsing window (make sure you only have the private window open when testing) and see if you get the same results?

Thanks for the replies. I did some further testing. It seems that in private mode the issue does not occur. But in normal browsing mode, it happens almost always after opening 8 or more tabs with Twitter content. I would make video, but I don’t like my Twitter stuff and profile name is there to be seen (actually I did make a video but then realized that).
Also, what did I try and did not help:

  • Restarted browser
  • Disabled all extensions
  • Deleted all time “cookies and other site data” and “cached images and files”
  • Closed all other non-Twitter tabs

I also should mention that this issue is happening for at least 2 months, so it is not a new thing related to some latest upgrade.

Can you please launch the browser, go to brave://crashes and share your crash report IDs with me here so that we can take a closer look at what might be going on?

Thank you

Good point. Actually, at brave://crashes is just one “Crash” related to this issue. It is a crash from one of my very recent testing and I remember that one because it “crashed differently” with at least some error message which I screenshotted. Usually these episodes occur without any crash logging (just white screen with loading mouse pointer).

Crash from Friday, July 7, 2023 at 8:39:10 PM
Status:	Uploaded
Uploaded Crash Report ID:	fd8b0300-5dbb-5b0a-0000-000000000000
Upload Time:	Friday, July 7, 2023 at 8:39:12 PM

Screenshot at 2023-07-07 23-09-09

I hope these report IDs are safe to share on public internet :slight_smile:

Could you also try completely removing extensions and trying ?
I have seen cases where removing completely helps. So just suggesting.
I see official support is here already so will leave it to them :slight_smile:

Will try it later when no easier option left :slight_smile: Thanks for suggestion.

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