
today i used duck duck go to look for brave’s homepage, and the top hit i got initially was https[:]//www[.]bravebrowsers[.]com. is this site legit? it looked almost like a template. i don’t recall the exact terms i used, but it was something like “brave browser”.

rerunning searches now, it’s moving further and further down the results, so hopefully this is a non issue; i just wanted to give ya’ll a heads up in case it isn’t.

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Hi @ratmav,

Wow thanks a bunch for bringing this to our attention. This is definitely not a legit Brave site. Will handle. Thank you!!


fwiw the url behind the download button, https[:]//laptop-updates[.]brave[.]com/download/BRA848 seems to be subdomain of brave proper. i curled that url, and it took a hot minute, and wound up timing out (503) a varnish cache.

Hi, could you give us an update on this case? Unfortunately DuckDuckGo also gave me this site as a top hit, however now only a maintenance temp site pops up. Should I be worried even if I didn’t download anything from there? (Sorry for my so-so English, it’s not my primary language)

The Brave team is always trying to find ways to improve our product and create a more enjoyable user experience for all of the most common ways we (as well as another software developer)to fixes with a new product in the future 100% tested and adjusted to meet the standard of Brave and customers satisfaction so the issue you ear concerned about will be addressed before it makes it to Braves stable release