Brave wallet doesn't show my active solana wallet

I added my trust wallet seed phrase to the brave wallet and it shows a Solana wallet I don’t use. When I loaded the same phrase into the Solana Phantom wallet they showed up as two separate wallets under the same seed phrase.

Is there anyway to switch which solana wallet address is seen? I did try adding the seed phrase a second time but it wouldn’t let me import the phrase a second time like metamask has the option for. I’d like to have this worked out just incase other wallets I use go into the ground and brave wallet becomes the top of the pack for the tokens I use.

BTW you do loose a star on google play for not having a respondable email in the developers email field.

Thanks for any help here.

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?
Android 13 and windows 12 [both up to date]
Brave Version (check About Brave):
-Most recent as of 7/15/2023
Additional Information:
Most recent Trust wallet version as of 7/15/2013

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