Brave vertical tabs white line

I really like braves vertical tabs implementation but obnoxious (really bright) white line in between the current page and the vertical tabs panel is really annoying (to my eyes xD). Could this be fixed please it would look soooooo much better without the white line.
Thank you for all your work!

Many users Reported the Exact same issue many times but brave simply doesnt care about Vertical tabs anymore as its almost 6+ Months Since Brave made any development to vertical tabs feature, i have turned off Brave Vertical tabs due to this Negligence as this visible vertical line makes you to think your Smart TV has Vertical line issue which happens as a Result of Panel Overheating…

I Believe Brave Vertical tabs was implemented by brave because Every other Chromium browser also has it, So they wanted to introduce one for the sake of “Brave also has Vertical tabs”, There is No Love Shown for this feature…

Brave only interested in Web3, Brave Search, AI, Rewards…etc.

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