It’s working for me, although it isn’t going to return many results as there is no real query. For example, if I type in exactly what you typed in into Brave Search, I get:
This is a while back now, but in my example I not only was querying for the site I also had a date range which was when it would not return results where as like I shown google did. Just tested it again and it is still like this…
Since using brave I have found that it is able to use both the query for the site and for a specific date range but as you can see it is inconsistent especially when you try to be more precise (which is what you would be doing anyway when using these features). But like I said it can rarely give me the expected results for some searches whereas this never happens on google.
@KL27 I’m not sure I would say this is a case of search operators not working but just is that they don’t really have anything indexed that it thinks matches your search. Or at least it’s not finding results that contained metadata that matches it.
What is interesting is searching for europol event netherlands "2023" provides something more relevant, such as:
So one would think that might show up on the range. But looking at the screenshot shared of the results, I’m not seeing dates listed. This makes me think it is as said just before, an issue of how it’s indexed and able to match.
Which is the same way I do it in google (plus it wouldn’t matter how its entered anyway) and like I said its when you are being specific its tends to commonly happen. I don’t think there is a fix for this like using another operator, but if there is let me know. I just think this is currently not working and there is no current fix or workaround but hopefully it is sorted soon so I don’t have to use google every time I need this function.
I understand that. I tested this and was able to replicate the issue. The point I’m making is that Brave’s search is telling you there aren’t enough matches, which means the database doesn’t have specific tags or indexing for those dates combined with the terms you’re using.
Let me illustrate with another example. I’ll narrow the timeframe to August 31, 2023, through September 30, 2023, and use the term Event. You’d expect this to generate plenty of results, right?
It’s appears that the issue lies in how data is indexed or tagged for date ranges, making it hard to retrieve results effectively. I wouldn’t say the operators themselves aren’t working—it’s more about how the data is being saved or indexed.
I’m tagging @solso, @y3ti, and @Mattches in case they can provide more insight. Regardless, this is an area that could use significant improvement.
This makes a lot of sense thanks for explaining.
Hopefully the people you tagged can provide an insight like you said.
Once again thanks for your help on this topic
Hi! I am Javier, from the Search Team. I just want to let you guys this is something we are actively working on at the moment. I hope we will be able to give you an update on this time based filtering soon.