Brave Rewards not received this month on PC Browser

This month my account went through lot of stuff. First i got wrongfully flagged, already solved with support ¡Thanks!, but now it says that my pending Nov rewards +9BAT have been received but i didn’t receive anything. I received on Dec 8 my Android phone payout and a radom 0.25BAT on Dec 17.

I see that i’m not the only one in this situation by the multiple posts in this forum.

If your profile is not connected to Uphold / Gemini, I’ll suggest waiting for the payouts for unverified wallets to be complete

and if still isn’t received, raise a ticket at

Verified years ago and never had a problem until this month, where they wrongfully flagged my PC Win account (Android still fine despite beeing same Uphold acc and everything).

That’s because they flag your browser profile, not your device or Uphold account.

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