Brave rewards not getting updated

Hello guys,

I’m new to the brave browser.
I just browse a lot and just heard about the brave browser rewards. So I thought to make use of it.

I opened my new account yesterday and I have completed all necessary process like linking and activating the zebpay account.

But the thing is, in my brave browser rewards page, I’m not getting any BAT token(not updating), but still my no.of. adds getting increased.

Can anyone help me with this issue.

Please find the attached image below

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Hi there, if you’re a new user of the brave browser and you’ve only just connected you wont get any BAT Tokens until the next month. Which is why you’re not seeing any tokens yet. So at the beginning of each month you start of with 0 ads seen. Then through the month you build up the amount of ads you see. Then at the start of the next month your ads get reset back to zero, but now you’ll get paid out for the previous month’s ads in BAT tokens. That payout process normally takes a week or 2. Hope that helps.

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