Brave is having issues

can’t explain anymore this image is self explaining. Every other bowser is working fine. I have tried to re-install this application same issue persist.
Every site on brave is having same issue.

@Naveen3 I tested and can’t replicate.

What I would say is it might be an extension you’re using or something related to your graphics cards settings. Try each thing below, going in order. Just do one at a time and if it doesn’t resolve, revert changes and try the next step.

  • Open in private window. Does it occur there?

  • Create a new browser profile. Do this by opening your hamburger menu, which is imageMore ToolsAdd new profile and test on that.

  • Go to SettingsSystemUse graphics acceleration when available and turn it off. (I’m assuming it’s turned on)

Most likely you’ll see change in one of the three. If it’s the third one, then your issue is your graphics card. There’s a number of things it can be. But like one person recently shared as you can see linked below:

But it could be any of a number of settings within graphics or just you needing to update drivers. Again, I’m speaking to the idea that if turning off graphics acceleration off makes it work, then this means your graphics card is not seeing something right and is refusing to work properly with Brave.


Thanks for your help.
Turning off graphic acceleration worked.

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Don’t forget that’s just a troubleshooting step which lets us know something is amiss in settings for your graphics card, at least as it’s related to Brave. Leaving it off isn’t necessarily a solution as means it’s using your CPU instead of GPU and may not give best performance. Though if you don’t do much, might not matter.

It will be up to you on when or if you want to dive deeper and toy with things until you get it figured out. In the meanwhile, I’m glad to hear it’s at least a temporary solution for you

As far as replication. You need to have an ultra wide modern with g-sync to replicate it.

actually the biggest issue with Brave browser is that sometimes it’s too secure especially once you add in adblockers and such. So then on some sites you have to trying messing with things until it works. So far only had that issue with 4/5 sites. Also chrome is the bloatware.

Some GPU/GPU drivers can cause issues. Update to the latest driver if not already, or try a few versions older (in the case of a current graphics driver is causing issues).

Just because another browser doesn’t show the same issue, doesn’t mean the issue doesn’t exist elsewhere. It just means the conditions of hitting the bug wern’t met.

I would agree to @fanboynz post here.

I can only speak for AMD system though, but there, my father is gaming Alien Isolation constantly for 8h a day, according to the AMD driver. The reason behind this is, for example, is because the executable of one of the Microsoft Office microservices is named ai.exe.

No, it has nothing todo with copilot or any other AI stuff.

It is the same name as of, who thought it, the Alien Isolation executable.

For brave there is a similar situation. Because its GPU accelerated the AMD detect it as game application. So my father has played Brave with over, 7000h! And he is still not at the end game. :wink:

This explains why the (temporary) solution from @Saoiray worked.

I think in your situation, G-Sync may be the bad guy. I would reset the gaming profile in your nVidia control panel, or however it is called today. Likewise, I would try to deactivate G-Sync for Brave and then try again to look, if the problem persists. Of course, after fully updating Brave, your nVidia driver and your system.

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