Brave icon bigger than other apps on Android 7

Description of the issue:
On Android 7.0 the icon for Brave Browser is bigger/taller than any other app installed on my phone.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary):

  1. Install latest Brave Browser.
  2. Pin Brave to bottom bar.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):

Expected result:
I expect every icon on this area to be same height/size

Reproduces how often:

Brave Version(See the About Brave page in Settings):

Mobile Device details
Neffos X1 Lite

Android/iOS Version

Additional Information:
Switched from Opera browser and loving the Brave experience, this is just a minor problem probably related to my old device, but still want to report and contribute. Thanks

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I know developer have the option to upload square icon logo option for their application. I don’t really think it is so much of a big deal

Don’t really needs to be squared, only same size.

Nice information to know. Thank you

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