When I try to update Brave to the latest version using the Setup wizard, it downgrades to Version 1.23.75 when I restart my PC. I then have to run the Setup wizard again to get back the latest version. I’m on Windows 10.
Thank you for reaching out to us. That certainly is one of the stranger reports I’ve seen. To confirm, you’re using the browser setup executable downloaded from the official website to update?
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I’m using the setup wizard from brave.com.
That’s very strange. Instead of using the setup executable, the next time your browser appears to “downgrade” itself, can you instead open the browser and go to Menu --> About Brave
and let the browser perform the automatic update itself?
I forgot to give context, sorry. I’m using the setup wizard because I get this when I try the About Brave page. Multiple people have said to reinstall Brave, so I use the setup wizard when Brave downgrades.
I see – thank you for the context.
Can you try downloading and running our standalone installer from our Github?
You’ll want the BraveBrowserSetup.exe
listed on the page:
It didn’t work. In fact, just restarting Brave (not even my PC) has been causing it, which I forgot to say before.
i have a windows laptop, i never updated brave since i first down loaded it, is there any news updates i should use to make sure iam up to date? i was always worried if i did try a update i didnt know if i will still have my bat
You’ll still have your BAT if you update. You can always back up your BAT with Uphold. In fact, you should always be up to date with Brave.
Do you have any extensions installed in the browser at this time? Additionally, are you connected to a VPN and/or do you have any anti-virus software running?
My extensions are Grammarly, uBlock Origin, McAfee WebAdvisor, and Microsoft Defender Browser Protection.
My antivirus apps are McAfee Total Protection (a virus itself sometimes lol) and Microsoft Security (built into Windows 10).
Can you please try disabling those extensions and attempting to update again?
Just the extensions or my anti-virus too?
I would try one at a time – extensions first.
When I’d close Brave after updating it, I’d open it with the taskbar shortcut I’ve had since I installed Brave about a year ago, which kept giving me the “downgraded” version of Brave. I replaced that shortcut with a new Brave shortcut. The new Brave shortcut works regardless of extensions or antivirus.
Silly me! But do you know how this could be in the first place?
Unless you had altered the shortcut, or it was pointing somewhere weird then actually no I have no idea – I don’t think I’ve ever seen this happen before.
Great job figuring it out though
Thanks for helping! Sorry for being cheeky by marking my own reply as the solution lol.
No worries – it was the solution after all
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