Brave does not function

Brave is broken. It does not open when trying to access various websites. Each time I am instructed to “touch ID to authenticate my membership”??? Why???

I’ve been using it as my preferred web browser/search engine . . . For a long time.

Please help.



Can you please share a screenshot of the message you’re describing as it appears on your end?

Yes, thank you -

Thanks for your help.

Sorry just to clarify, did you intend to share a screenshot in the above reply? If so it did not appear to have gone through/uploaded correctly.

Yes, I did. I’ll try again.

when you share a sceen shot it gets flagged as spam and its hidden … happened to me now my topic question has been hidden and no one is reviewing it

I don’t know what is happening, but I see my original screenshot that I sent to you appeared as an “attachment”. But you can’t access it???
I will now send you another screenshot I took this morning. FYI, this appears EVERY TIME I attempt to go to an article, etc. I need to confirm access to BRAVE. I have BRAVE checked off as my preferred browser but it doesn’t allow.
Here is another screenshot I just took:

Can you see it?
Thanks for your help.


Do you have Browser Lock enabled in Brave settings?

I’m sorry but I don’t find Browser Lock in Brave ‘settings’.
Can you help me with more details?

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Three dots in the bottom corner, Settings, scroll down to the bottom to find Browser Lock. Thanks!

Ok, I finally found “Brave lock”. Should I ‘unlock’ or ‘lock’.?

I have tried unlocked and locked Browser Lock — but it still requires me to “touch to verify” every single time.
Any other suggestions?
Should I re-install Brave?
I don’t understand . . .

The Browser lock option should be turned “off”. But if turning it off didn’t resolve the issue that I’m not sure what we’re looking at here. There is nothing in Brave that would require this with the exception of when you need access to the iOS keychain it will likely have you auth first. But if you’re not accessing the keychain you shouldn’t see this appear.

Can you confirm exactly when you see the authentication prompt appear? If you visit any site, does the prompt appear or is it only specific sites? Further, if you’re on those sites and you click deeper into it, do you still continue to have to “re-authenticate”?

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Oh, after taking a break, I tried again and it worked! BRAVE now works like it did before!
Thank you for your patience and all your help.
Willie Lieske

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