Brave Ads paused, but captcha won't load!

Operating System and Brave version:
Windows 11
Version 1.69.153 Chromium: 128.0.6613.85 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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Yes (Canada)

I keep getting this pop-up on my desktop computer:

Brave Ads Paused: To keep Brave Wards safe from abuse, we’ll randomly ask users to solve a captcha. Click “Solve” to resume ads.

Except when I do, I get this gray screen saying refused to connect”.

Does anyone else have this issue? And if so, were you able to solve it?

Hello - Is your Rewards account currently linked to Uphold for the device in question? Thanks!

Everything appears to work for now. Had to relaunch and close the browser, along with take care of some things that limited functionality within my Uphold account.

I’ll bump this topic again if the issue ever re-appears. Thank you!

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