I have been using brave broswer for a while now on my mac, and I created an Uphold account where I keep my BAT. A few days ago I decided to download it to my mobile as well, and I decided to connect the rewards I was earning to the same Uphold account. Today I realised that my BAT balance on Uphold has disappeared and there are only the BAT earned on mobile, so practically nothing, because I downloaded it about a week ago, and most of my BAT came from rewards via computer.
should i wait some time and they will be credited back together or what should i do?
Are you saying this correctly? Brave just sees balance for BAT in Uphold and shows it. If you’re saying it disappeared, then it would mean it disappeared from Uphold. That’s assuming you’re speaking of your Uphold balance and not something else.
I also want to make sure you’re not looking at your Earnings So Far
or something. I have a feeling there’s something being misunderstood or phrased wrong here. So it would be helpful if you could explain in greater detail and/or show screenshots.
When did you create the Uphold account and link to it on your Mac?
You using Android for your mobile?
I downloaded brave onto my mac about 2 years ago, used it for a few months and then started using it again a few months ago. I could see my earned BAT from the balance you can see by clicking on the Brave icon (the triangle in the search bar), it wasn’t a lot, but I had accumulated some BAT by occasionally using brave over these two years.
on 2 February 2024 I decided to create the Uphold wallet, as I had started using brave often again, to which I connected brave and on which my BAT already earned via computer would then be charged.
On 7 March I also downloaded brave for my mobile phone (Samsung S23, hence android) and therefore decided to also link the rewards from the mobile phone to the same Uphold account linked to the computer rewards.
I don’t know if it depends on the fact that I connected two devices to the same Uphold account, but the fact is that to date my balance (the one you can see by clicking on the Brave icon) is 0.093 BAT from both the computer and the mobile phone, but the problem is that the balance I had for years on the computer was different from the one I have now.
This 0.093 BAT was credited to me on 06/03/2024 as funds received, but my problem lies in the fact that I can’t figure out where the balance I used to see via brave went.
p.s. I am writing with the Italian translator, I hope you understand everything, and thank you for your help
Ah, va bene. Userò un traduttore per convertire la mia risposta in italiano per rendere forse le cose più semplici. Posterò la mia risposta in inglese sotto, nel caso ci sia un problema con la traduzione e in modo che sia più facile per chiunque altro capire se viene a trovarmi.
Se non eri collegato a Uphold o a uno dei partner di custodia, allora significa che quello che stavi guadagnando è ciò che Brave chiama vBAT piuttosto che BAT. La differenza è che si guadagnava vBAT che poteva essere usato solo per le mance. Diventava BAT solo quando ci si collegava a un luogo come Uphold e si poteva ricevere il pagamento, a quel punto si poteva usare per qualsiasi cosa si volesse. Non era più limitato al browser e al piccolo ecosistema Brave.
Questo è il motivo per cui non hai ricevuto il tuo vecchio saldo vBAT. Brave ha pubblicato annunci su Twitter, Reddit, Brave Community, il loro blog e ci ha anche fornito notifiche in Rewards per avvertirci che stavano per abbandonare vBAT e che avevamo tempo fino alla fine di ottobre 2023 per connetterci o avremmo perso tutto. Di seguito fornirò i link a due di questi avvisi, apparsi sul blog di Brave.
Quindi se questo è il momento in cui ti sei collegato, significa che il tuo Mac ha iniziato a guadagnare BAT dagli annunci il 2 febbraio 2024. Poi te lo ha pagato nel payout di marzo che è avvenuto intorno al 7 marzo 2024.
Questo significa che il tuo telefono ha iniziato a guadagnare a marzo. Il primo pagamento che riceverĂ sarĂ quello di aprile.
If you were not connected to Uphold or one of the custodial partners, then that means what you were earning is what Brave referred to as vBAT rather than BAT. The difference is you earned vBAT which could only be used for tipping. It only became BAT once we linked to a place like Uphold and could receive payment, at which time we could use it for anything we wanted. It no longer was limited to the browser and small Brave ecosystem.
This is why you did not receive your older vBAT balance. Brave had put announcements on Twitter, Reddit, Brave Community, their blog, and even provided us with notifications in Rewards to warn us that they were sunsetting vBAT and we had until the end of October 2023 to connect or we would lose it all. I will provide links to two of those warnings below which appeared on the Brave blog.
So if this is when you linked, it means that your Mac started to earn BAT from ads on February 2, 2024. Then it paid this to you in the March payout that occurred around March 7, 2024.
This means your phone started earning in March. The first payout it would receive is this coming payout in April.
perfect you have been very clear and kind in clarifying my doubts. unfortunately it is my mistake, but I have been away from this sector for months and have not followed the news. next time I will be more careful.
thank you .
Oh, @Chicercatrova, vorrei anche assicurarmi di menzionare che i pagamenti dovrebbero arrivare insieme. Ciò che intendo dire è che non vedrete un pagamento separato per ogni dispositivo, ma dovrebbe essere il totale guadagnato ad arrivare in un’unica soluzione.
Ne parlo solo perché alcuni si sono preoccupati pensando che i pagamenti fossero mancanti perché si aspettavano che ci fosse una transazione per dispositivo.
Inoltre, assicuratevi di controllare le impostazioni dei premi in brave://rewards
per tutti i dispositivi. Il contributo automatico è abilitato per impostazione predefinita. Se non l’avete disattivato sul vostro Android, potrebbe essere detratto un po’ di BAT nei prossimi pagamenti. Ne parlo ora in modo che possiate assicurarvi che sia disattivato se non volete che prenda qualcosa. Anche in questo caso, si tratta di un aspetto che spesso sfugge e di cui poi ci si lamenta.
so in the first picture I posted in my reply to your first message, where it says “current earnings” (“Guadagni attuali”), are the earnings from brave on computer , which will then be added to the earnings on cellulre in a single transaction on Uphold ?
Correct. The estimated earnings (Guadagni attuali) from both devices should be combined and arrive in one single payment.
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