Description of the issue:
Using yahoo basic mail on the website (not the app) I cannot use mail move, delete or send
How can this issue be reproduced?
check box to delete
press the trashcan
read the email
press delete at bottom of email
Expected result:
mail should be deleted (but it isn’t)
when I try to send after compose I get error “failed to open message”
when I try to MOVE the screen does not show folders to move to, just stays there as if I had not selected MOVE TO.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Brave 1.9.79
Mobile Device details
Motorola Moto E 2nd gen with 4g-LTE model #XT1526, android 5.1
Additional Information:
reading mail works and does change the read email from bold to unbold but that’s as far as it works.
Brave work fine on my PC but not on my phone.
Also mail DOES work fine on my phone using Chrome.