Added “Show full screen reminder to press Esc on exit” under brave://settings/system. (#38928)

One of the changes listed for the latest version.

How is this supposed to work? I flipped the setting back and forth, also hitting F11 a few times in between, and noticed no difference.

Not that there’s anything wrong with the existing functionality that I can see, but I’d like to understand it.

Thank you.

@Meeker-Morgan it’s not speaking about that type of full screen but would be putting videos into full screen. Such as if you go to YouTube and then click on the full screen button. image

If that setting is enabled, then when you put the video in full screen, you’ll see like below:

If you don’t notice it well there on the top, I’ll do a zoomed in screenshot below:


If you have the setting off, then you’ll never get the prompt as a reminder that you can hit Esc to leave full screen.

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I see.

So I do a little experimentation and find F11 gets out of that kind of full screen as well as ESC.

Was the reminder complained about a lot?

I hadn’t seen a lot of complaints on it but must have been enough or the right people for them to address it. It’s a good change in my mind, as it’s just yet another little annoyance they are getting rid of.

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