I would like to see the ability to create link shortcuts on my home screen on iOS much like safari does
I believe it’s iOS limitations. That not allowing other apps to create a shortcut.
Safari let’s you create them so can’t be iOS limitation
My bad! My previous reply’s not clear enough.
Limitations because only Safari (Apple’s product) able to create shortcut. Other apps (Brave, Chrome, Firefox, etc) is have no ability to create shortcut.
It’s all about control I guess
Ok. So what is the best work around for this. Just bookmarks for everything
This is a great tip (see link below) to accomplish adding non-Safari bookmarks to your iPhone home screen. BUT… I can’t get it quite to go beyond just opening Brave, with no luck in loading the URL. Oddly, this does work perfectly with Chrome. So perhaps someone can understand/fix this.
NOTE: In the instructions you’ll see they used “googlechromes” (with an “s”) - that is a typo. Just use “googlechrome://urlhere” - and for Brave I used simply “brave://urlhere” - but again, only able to get it to open Brave with no luck getting it to load the URL. Again, works flawlessly using Chrome:
Brave://open-url?url=ExampleURL make a shortcut using this text and replace “ExampleURL with the address of the webpage you are trying to open up
They added support for 3rd party browsers to add links to the home screen in iOS 16.4
Chrome recently added support: https://9to5mac.com/2023/07/14/google-chrome-web-apps-ios/