Add Websites to iOS Homescreen functionality

feature-request ability to add Websites to iOS Homescreen functionality
Brave Version( Version 1.32.3 ( ):

Mobile Device details
Device iPhone 13 mini (iOS 15.1.1)

Additional Information:


Thank you for reaching out. Go to the website/tab you’d like to add, click the main menu button on the top-right, then Add to favorites:

Dear @Mattches Thanks for your reply but this would add a website to the brave home screen. As a user, I am lazy I would like to have youtube as an App on my iPhone so when I click it opens youtube on the Brave browser. Like a shortcut functionality on the desktop.

this option is not available in third-party browsers on iOS
the only browser which is able to do this on iOS [or PadOS] is Safari

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@UltraViolet Thanks but it is good that brave developers have this in mind and ask apple to allow this functionality.

there is a app which allows you to design a series of things to happen on iOS, i can’t remember its name but its been used for emergency situations and such like where you press a icon and it will phone the police and start recording audio.
perhaps it could be used to open brave and a web page of your choosing

@UltraViolet is right here – not a lot we can do on our end about this. The decision is up to Apple. Closing this thread as it is not a Brave-specific issue.