I Think it is a really good direction to allow Brave Browser be able supported on Raspberry Pi. What do you think and what´s your opinion ?
I think Ubuntu with Brave could be the best combo, specially if the devs add the optimizations the Raspberry pi foundation added to their packaged Chromium
I too am interested in having brave browser available for ARM based devices such as raspberry Pi and other single board computers. Any development on ARM supported browser?
I am switching my whole tech setup to freedom centered things. Like Brave and GrapheneOS on Pixel. In this setup a RPI400 is a key player as companion to the lean pricepoint of a Pixel4a. Workaround until this is available is of course to buy a more expensive linux computer (this seems to be more and more the only sane choice because ARM versions of different apps does not grow on trees) or to use firefox on the RPI.
Buster and Bullseye 64bit Please!
Yassssssss! I’d love brave on Debian and its forks!!
Edit: Oh! It is available!
Yes to Raspberry Pi support, please! RPi is so popular that I’d like to think it’s worth the effort to support it.
I would love rpi support. riscv too.
I would also love this. I’m regrettably typing this on Chromium on my pi now, and would love to use Brave on every device in my house. I’ve got 5 of them in my house, and Brave installed on all 3 of my PCs. I wish I could go Brave across the board.