Why not an instant currency converter?

We all know the traditional way to convert the currency is to search it in google. But if we have something that converts the types currency instantly without having to search it in the bar, it would be easier.


yeah, also for calculations like in normal chrome, i don’t know why they don’t got this.

Disabled by default. Search for “autocomplete” in Settings.

Dear Brave team. I’ve been using your browser for almost a year and I love it. Have recommended to a lot of friends.

I joined the community today with one purpose in mind: to ask you to please, please, PLEASE, add a crypto/currency converter on to the Brave dashboard/launch page.

I’m constantly searching Google when it would be so handy, and it makes sense, to just include a simple tool right there on the launch page.

Can you add this feature please? Would be a time-saver and, I think, valued by all your users.