Where is monthly rewards tally? Nothing for September

I have no idea what has been done here. I can’t even figure out how to get help. No rewards tally, which I used to be able to find listed by months. No increase shown in main page box. Nothing showing in Gemini. Can someone please help.

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Rewards Help Center

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Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> Help --> About Brave)

Who is your verified custodian or self-custody? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer/Solana)

Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)

@dharts It’s tough to provide help without more details, especially since the questions in the template weren’t answered. Providing that information would make it easier for the community to understand the situation and offer better assistance.

Some of what you’re describing sounds more related to how vBAT worked in the past. With custodial accounts, payouts are made directly, so there’s no earnings history recorded in the browser itself anymore.

Regarding missing payments, there are several topics and pinned guides that might help. It’s a good idea to review them first to see if they address your issue. Here’s a link to a relevant post: Helpful Info & FAQ for Brave Users - #14 by Saoiray

Please read through our Help Center articles before opening a topic.

Rewards Help Center

I have no idea how to get hold of someone to fix this. Rewards are not being paid but I can’t find anywhere that would list payouts. I can clearly see the rewards total hasn’t moved but not listing by month. It shouldn’t be impossible to get this fixed. Looks to me like everyone only gets the please read runaround. Is this a scam?

If you have a payment issue please submit a ticket to us directly.

Submit a ticket

Please fill out the template below:

<---------Delete this line and everything above before posting---------->

Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? (Menu --> About Brave)

Who is your verified custodian? (Uphold/Gemini/bitFlyer)

Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)

@dharts you were asked questions and given a link with the next step to take. Also, you also even just said the answer in your most recent post:

What? I submitted a ticket. I didn’t say what you posted below.

Yeah you did, it’s part of the template that gets generated when you create a topic, which asks you for information and provides basic instructions. But you have generally chosen to ignore the templates and don’t like to provide much information when seeking help.

Anyway, when did you submit a ticket? What’s your ticket number?

Well. Aren’t you nice. I can’t fix Brave’s bad layout. I never saw it until after I wrote my post. I don’t know what info you need. I put a lot in the ticket I filled out. I do see a lot of errors in August 2024, assuming this is when the payouts stopped but I have no idea why. This was on the link the ticket I filled out posted. I submitted that today. You know what, I’m seriously considering dumping Brave. Your rudeness is about what I should expect.

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