When n where do we get these rewards

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Are you in a supported region? (see here for list of supported regions)When and where do we get these rewards?

@amberclifton8175 you have to answer questions if you want answers. For example, it asks if you are using Uphold, Gemini, or BitFlyer for your verified custodian. If you aren’t using any, then you get nothing. And if you’re not in a supported region (another one of the questions you ignored), you can’t connect and therefore you wouldn’t earn. The place you connect with is where your payment goes.

Payments begin around the 7th of each month and can take up to a couple weeks to process and arrive. That said, they try their best to have it sent and arrive as close to the 7th of each month as possible.

In the future, please answer all questions in the templates provided. Failure to do so can result in everyone ignoring your post. We can’t help people when we’re missing information.

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