What Happened to My Pending BAT iOS Rewards?

Hello prior to the update to the iOS version of Brave Browser on December 10th I had been exclusively using it as my mobile browser. During the first 10 days, I had generated over 6 BAT. Since the update, though that ended the BAT program for iOS those rewards have disappeared. Are we going to ever get them or are they just gone permently? I have a screenshot of my pending rewards prior to the update if that helps.

Thank you

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You can’t transfer your BAT to desktop? https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052811072-How-do-I-use-the-one-time-transfer-to-move-BAT-from-iOS-to-Desktop-

It’s the BAT that has not yet been paid out yet! The BAT that was already in there I was able to transfer out but the BAT that had not been paid to me yet is just gone…

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