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**Description of the issue:**torrent download location in brave browser
How can this issue be reproduced?
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
): Version 1.2.43 Chromium: 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)
**Additional Information:**i am not able to find torrent file downloaded over brave browser torrent client… location of file unknown
Torrent is downloaded to Memory. Unless you click “Save file” for each file, you’ll not see it in your disk.
@rajat500 You can find the torrent downloded file under brave://downloads. I am not sure is this what you are looking for?
i download torrent file but not visible
@rajat500 did you tried this?
Save each file (orange box).
no i am not click on save file
now i will try again
yessssss it is work now… thank you so much
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