Recycle Bin bookmarks

Please add Recycle Bin bookmarks. i just delete a bookmark folder unintentionally. Thanks

Much needed feature…I think Opera has this feature

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This is BADLY needed. At the very least, can we get a confirmation dialog prior to permanently wiping out bookmarks - or entire folders of them, like I just did inadvertantly?

Also, in the bookmark edit screen (Android mobile)the delete button is precisely where save buttons often go - upper right corner. That’s how I just deleted an entire folder by accident - I am re-organizing years worth of bookmarks, brain-farted with a single click and poof! Certainly the delete icon is clearly indicated, but this is a horribly unforgiving feature set that can be easily fixed with a simple recycle bin function.

And for those who are about to helpfully suggest synching Brave between devices… I have several synched, which provides precisely zero recoverability when all devices are powered on and internet connected (as they usually are) - the synch happened at all devices before I could reach them to kill the internet connections. Yay for sync being faster than me walking 20 feet. And a HUGE THANK YOU to the Brave team for finally giving us a usable bookmark management interface in the mobile apps!!! I nearly had to abandon Brave so many times only because bookmarks were such a nightmare to navigate. Now we just need that recycle bin. :slight_smile: