Please explain why ads are not available everywhere

  1. Business development does require that we follow the laws of each region. As much as we’d like to believe the Internet is a fully neutral space online, regulations are real.
  2. Totally. Who wouldn’t want to grow as fast as possible?
  3. As soon as is possible. Some regions have very straightforward and easy methods for participation, others… not so much.
  4. We’re unlikely to give a specific roadmap for each region. We do have some business strategy which will remain internal. My best advice there is to pay attention to community announcements because we will likely ask for folks to help us test ahead of new region additions.

If I lived outside of the supported regions, I would have the exact same questions and be super excited about when it is finally going to be available where I live. I empathize deeply.

There is every urgency internally to get Ads up and running in every region imaginable during 2019. We’ll keep growing beyond then, but the heat is on.