Pay for the brave-APIs with German debit card (EC-Karte)

Hello brave-community,

I was trying to get an API-key for brave-search and brave-leo-AI but it seems like my type of money-card is not supported. I use a debit-card that is afaik specific to Germany (An EC-Karte, with an IBAN, it is a type of debit-card, it has the V-pay and girocard-logos). In the “Enter payment details”-dialog from stripe I cannot seem to enter it.

Is there another payment option where I can use it, or a completely different payment option, like SEPA? I don’t want to get a new credit card just for the brave-api.

Note this question is not about brave-rewards, it is about paying for the API.

Let me tag in @steeven and @B-Lee on this to see if they might have any answers for you.

And actually, I’ll tag in @SaltyBanana just because I saw them reply on a couple things. No guarantee they’ll see this or be able to respond right along, but just hoping they can help answer or ping the right people. In the end, hoping they have good suggestions for you, but also know this will at least serve as a bit of something that might need to be looked into and implemented for people around the world.

@julaine Thanks for sharing!

Could you elaborate what you mean by ‘not supported’ when purchasing are you getting a message that is saying you’re not supported or your card is being rejected?

Looking at stripe’s website, Germany is on the list of supported countries -
I am not super familiar with the Germany’s payment types but is the card you are using similar to a pre-paid card?


Hello @julaine - we’ve checked some of our payment processor’s documentation on girocards and found the following:

The girocard was primarily designed for use in physical stores and is not particularly suited for online shopping. Online purchases, plus cash withdrawals and contactless payments abroad are easier to carry out with a debit card than with the girocard. These are only possible with a girocard if it is co-branded with Maestro or Visa.

This information is public-facing and can be referenced here. I think this might be the present issue, and a different card/payment method will need to be used in this instance.


Thank you all,

I am sad it is not possible but I understand that this is not an oversight but a technical limitation of my card.

It is good to have a definitive answer instead of wondering if I missed an option in the UI.