Number Showing up into of Brave icon

Troubleshooting technical issues is much easier when both the user and support agent practice clear communication. For this reason, we have provided the template below for you to fill out with information about your issue. Please provide as much detail as possible so we can most efficiently resolve your problem.

Description of the issue:
Number Showing up on top of Brave icon
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. What is that number indicating???
  2. Please stop showing up on top of icon if it does not show up after opening the browser
  3. If it is an indication of something please show the inside indication for what is indicating

Expected result:
Resolve it
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Mobile Device details
Mi Max 2
Additional Information:

It could be a notification. Clear those and check again. If the problem persist clearing the cache will be helpful.

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I have tried everything not working when I see the 1 notification I open the browser but nothing is in it several times it pop out again and I went to setting and went to storage and cleared everything still it pops out with no available

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