Not getting rewards across multiple devices

After setting up Brave Ad rewards on my two androids and windows pc, I’ve stopped receiving the proper amount of BAT rewards.

Are you seeing ads? Estimated earnings is no longer a feature within the Rewards panel. Thanks!

Yes im seeing ads, but i know for sure im gettimg less payouts than im supposed to because i earned even more BAT when i had Brave on only one device. Now I’m three devices deep, and the rewards each month keep getting lighter and lighter.

@Kama it’s gotten less for us all. We get paid based on what Brave earns. Remember, Rewards is 70% of the ad revenue. We have never been guaranteed any particular “dollar” amount or anything. Some months will pay well, others incredibly low.

I highly advise you read through everything I have at Saoiray's Discussion about Rewards payout amounts as I touched on a wide variety of things.

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You know, I actually considered this. The only thing is though, i find it hard to believe that’s the reason. I know we’re not guarantee a dollar amount, but surely there’s a system in place to keep things consistent.
Well, things have stopped being consistent is my main point here. Here’s why.
I went from earning (roughly) 2.5 BAT a month on one device, to now only earning 0.45 BAT a month across 3 devices (in total).

I dont always expect to get the same amount, but to drop THAT low, after being on Brave MORE not LESS… seems like an error.

@Kama did you read through the post I linked you to? The discussion about Rewards payout amounts?