Hello everyone,
I just saw that the March 2021 Payments to Publishers and March 2021 Brave Ads are “Payments Complete”.
But I still haven’t received anything, will I have to wait until April to receive my payment or is there still hope to receive it this month.
Brave version 1.21.74 Chromium: 89.0.4389.72 (Build officiel) (64 bits)
Thank you in advance for your answers.
@Mattches @steeven Hello to you,
I’m reiterating my message as I didn’t get any answer regarding my problem. Do you have any information for this one? Thank you in advance
@SantaMuerte - is this for BAT earned through contributions?
Yes for 55.10 BAT and I haven’t received the 10,094 BAT on my uphold account
For the BAT from ads issue, a fix has been deployed and will be in release next week.
The team is investigating an issue with contributions not processing.
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Okay, thanks for the information. So I have to wait until next month to receive something?
April 6, 2021, 6:25pm
I also didn’t receive any rewards in March.
I got the notifications and open all the ads e saw them but in the end of the month, no rewards were given.
May 6, 2021, 6:25pm
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